New Asian Kung-fu Generation Album World World World

As for the pic war, I'm not at all sure how to begin it lol But I'm sure my minion can take you down D:

CODE GEASS IS MINE >:O I introduced you to it, I watched it three times, I saw the last episode 5 times, and I've even cosplayed for CG...
Let me see your comeback now! >:D And yaoi won't count cause I have dibs on it >:F
Quick facts
- Rubi is a vegetarian D:
- G00 (Gundam 00)'s final episode was fucking awesome T_T; The very last part gave me chills...
- Code Geass R2 is coming really soon.
- Rubi studies French, oui c'est vrai...
- I am hungry right now.
- Kamei is my favorite member from Morning Musume.
- I only use Windows for PC games, otherwise I've become a Linux user, more specifically an Ubuntu user.
- Recently discovered Keroro D: It's amazing! XD
- Gundam SEED is my favorite Gundam series...
- Evangelion is already more than 10 years old O_O How old have we become....?
/me is hungry right now... ~__~ /me will have to go now...
I miss the IRC days :3
I miss the IRC days :3
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