The main topic today in this entry is the Asus eeepc, possibly the cheapest laptop (or closest thing to a laptop) that you can get. Categorized as an Ultra Portable PC, the Asus eeepc seems to be a strong contender in the mobile computer market. Its strongest points are price and value and its weakest is probably the screen size and keyboard. Though mine has yet to arrive (should probably arrive by 5:00 ) I'm pretty hyped about it. Despite its small disk space (I got the cheapest one due to limited budget ;P so I have to settle with 2gbs till I buy a new SD card) the Asus eeepc manages to take on multiple OSs without much effort like Windows XP and Ubuntu. Still it brings a linux OS which does the job for the things an average user does, aka internet (myspace, facebook, messaging) and word processing. The system is also surprisingly good for some light video games and I've read about people playing World of Warcraft and Counterstrike on it with reasonably good framerates. I'll probably be aiming to test Anarchy Online on it since its a relatively old MMO with very scalable visuals, but generally, I don't think I'll use this PC for anything other than basic internet and media functions, not mentioning the casual retro emulators.

Sadly, to my surprise I thought the models were all the same other than the webcam and disk space quantity but they're actually different. The 2g, which is the cheapest lacks webcam and brings 2gb space, which I didn't mind cause I have a webcam at home and I never use it, plus the difference between 2gbs and 4 gbs didn't seem that big to me seeing that I'd need to buy an SD flash memory card anyways if I want to install other OSs. But the major fault of the 2g is the soldered ram, which leaves upgrading the laptop to bare minimum possibilities. Still, considering that I was never interested in this PC cause of its processing power, it isn't as painful as it would be to others (though it would put a hindrance on any plans that are related to playing 3d games ;P).
From you can see in the video, it also manages the desktop effects suite Compiz Fusion amazingly well for such a modest PC O_o; Also brings basic codecs like divx and xvid, though to play the newer mp4/h264 codecs you need to downgrade the mplayer, which is surprisingly an easy process. Well, stay tuned for pics (and video? ;O) of my new PC later in the week.

I was surprised this morning upon reading that AKFG was releasing a single in Feb ^^ Not to mention the new album due in March which I'm definitely getting ><; The new single is quite good, and even though its a slow song, its in no way boring. So check out the PV below and see you in the next update :)
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