So I never recovered from my PC loss. Well I have now, I have a laptop and I have this newfangled Windows Live Writer that promises to make my blogging life a lot easier. Rubi and me not only have had our PC woes, we’ve also been leading a busy life which meant less time to see stuff or play games, and meant less time to blog. I, however, wish to keep the blog going and hopefully I can start a trend that will lead Rubi to keep going with me. So with my connection and my laptop I will try to keep a train going for as long as I can.
And what will separate Rubuska from other blogs you ask? What will keep you readers reading and us writing? Well, that’s something I’ve thought of. I can say this: I will keep my writing as interesting as I can. I will have certain sections that will pop up every once in awhile, and try to keep a rhythm of 2 posts per week or more. These sections will be as follows:
Random Thoughts – These are going to be random thoughts I have on new stuff that I’m watching be it CDTV, Heroes, Fullmetal Alchemist, or what have you.
Pic Wars – I will posts pics that will be win, and sometimes fail.
Tech Reviews – Technology reviews, but will mostly be on Cellphones and Cellphone Carriers(limited to Puerto Rico), but will include other things tech.
PV Reviews – I try to watch PVs as often as I can, and I will try to review them here! They won’t this time necessarily be limited to Japanese music, but they will mostly be of that.
Music Reviews – Reviews of new singles and albums will go in this section. Again, not necessarily limited to Jp music, but most be that.
Japanese Entertainment – Reviews, thoughts, ideas, criticism for shows, artists, anime, dramas, everything will be thrown into here that has to do with Japanese entertainment.
Rants – Me ranting on something I feel needs to be ranted on. While rants usually offer a lot of reading but little entertainment, my rants will actually probably be the most entertaining of the posts I will make.
Misc – These will pop up a lot most likely, but they will be on something specific that doesn’t go anywhere in those sections, which I think covers everything I want.
Anyway the first post will be pretty soon. So stay tuned!